Just call me…Charity Gamble

I had an interesting dream last night in which my name was Charity Gamble (what a GREAT character name, I thought). My boyfriend in the dream was this big, Viking-looking fellow whose fingers/hands were bound with strong wire.

I freed my dream man from his wiry bondage and he told me, “I embrace you like a whore, but I love you like a wife.” WTH?! Lol! I thought it was an awesome bit of dialogue.

I love the wacky stuff my brain conjures in my dreams every night.

Guys: If you’re gonna write about sex, make it sexy!

Over the years, I’ve read and edited a lot of manuscripts. Most men cannot write about sex worth a damn. They’re terrible (most of them, anyway). It’s true! Talk about lame. Ugh! When you find yourself rolling your eyes or emitting a deep belly laugh, then you know the scene is anything BUT sensuous or erotic. Guys, please, if you’re not adept at writing sex scenes, DON’T! Don’t name your penises, either. You end up sounding silly, not sexy.